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dike nwoke:
warrior man retreat

Great uprising! we are over the moon and full of sunshine to invite our brothers, fathers, sons and uncles to join the warrior man retreat gathering! Our recent zoom meet-ups and in person face to face presentations have been powerful and revealing. It has been an opportunity to meet the facilitators and team for Dike Nwoke warrior man retreat. We discussed and revealed the benefits of attending the retreat: 

1) Focus on listening and hearing self

2) An opportunity to connect with a deep spiritual place

3) Eat healthy delicious food

4) Walk in the silent meditation

5) Develop well-being practices

6) Stretch the body & strengthen the mind

7) Connect positively with brothers and sisters

8) Learn to trust sisters to take care of our brother's vulnerability

9) Restore balance: He is because she is, because she is therefore he is!


Take a load off & let the sisters nurture, feed, guide, lovingly challenge and listen to you for 5 days in a serene location engaging you in activities and practices that promote self-love and connection with green open spaces, forests and mother earth. Around the fire and under the stars is an ideal setting to rebalance the senses. 


Be ready to restore, realign and re-envoke harmony to body, mind, and spirit. Divine thanks!

The video

The presentation

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The retreat

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The details

Consider this as a great gift for: yourself, a man you care about (lover-man, husband, brother, son, father, uncle, grandfather, cousin, nephew, friend)!


Please download and complete booking form

and return to

PAYMENT PLAN: £550 -12% = £484!

25th February 2022 - 1st payment 50% (£242)

18th March 2022 - 2nd 50%

Group bookings of 6 plus Discount £550 -15% = £467.50

email: or

call: 07582228967


Payment reference: dikenwoke(your name)

1. Direct Debit: HSBC – MT Nwobani - Sort code 400415 - Account No. 32249634


2. Paypal: family and friends

Please contact us expressing your interest in this amazing unique opportunity. Step up and email

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The healing activites

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All images and text are protected by copyright ©Shanti-Chi™ ©Nne Agwu™ ©Onwukamuche-Nwaubani™ ©GriotChinyere™

Shanti-Chi ©2010-2024

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